Public Policies, Planning and Management of Work, Education and Health

This line of research is linked to Fiocruz's institutional research areas 'Public Policies, Planning and Management in Health' and 'Education and Health'. It seeks to encompass the genesis and transformation of education and health practices in Brazil, with an emphasis on management and planning, relating them to work and education. It aims to understand the configuration of the capitalist State and its functions in different historical phases, considering the relationship between economy, politics and culture. It seeks to understand the historical development of these social policies, having as main focus the conceptions that supported the policies aimed at the education of workers and the health of the population. It considers the concepts of State and civil society and the dynamics between them, as well as global trends in the economy and the international division of labor and knowledge. It understands that the understanding of the demands movements and the formation of interest groups impose the analysis of the global political process and, therefore, of the State and of the forms of organization of the decision-making power in society, in comparison with institutionalized forms of representation of interests: unions and 6 political parties. The disputes around national education and health projects are also considered, guided by class interests and mediated by the characteristics of the development of the capitalist economy in our country, shaping cultures and sociabilities whose norms and values ​​are present in the organization of systems and in the daily life of educational and health institutions.